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HD 9484



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Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Are Stellar Rotational Axes Distributed Randomly?
Stellar line widths yield values of Vsini, but the equatorial rotationalvelocities, V, cannot be determined for individual stars withoutknowledge of their inclinations, i, relative to the lines of sight. Forlarge numbers of stars we usually assume random orientations ofrotational axes to derive mean values of V, but we wonder whether thatassumption is valid. Individual inclinations can be derived only inspecial cases, such as for eclipsing binaries where they are close to90° or for chromospherically active late-type dwarfs or spotted(e.g., Ap) stars where we have independent information about therotational periods. We consider recent data on 102 Ap stars for whichCatalano & Renson compiled rotational periods from the literatureand Abt & Morrell (primarily) obtained measures of Vsini. We findthat the rotational axes are oriented randomly within the measuringerrors. We searched for possible dependence of the inclinations onGalactic latitude or longitude, and found no dependence.

On the Variability of A0-A2 Luminosity Class III-V Stars
We study the Hipparcos Satellite photometry of A0-A2 luminosity classIII-V stars. Most are not particularly variable. A few stars for whichfurther study is desirable are identified.

Radial velocities. Measurements of 2800 B2-F5 stars for HIPPARCOS
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of 2930 B2-F5 stars,95% observed by the Hipparcos satellite in the north hemisphere and 80%without reliable radial velocity up to now. Observations were obtainedat the Observatoire de Haute Provence with a dispersion of 80Ä,mm(-1) with the aim of studying stellar and galactic dynamics.Radial velocities have been measured by correlation with templates ofthe same spectral class. The mean obtained precision is 3.0 km s(-1)with three observations. A new MK spectral classification is estimatedfor all stars. Based on observations made at the Haute ProvenceObservatory, France and on data from The Hipparcos Catalogue, ESA.Tables 4, 5 and 6 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.htm

On the HIPPARCOS photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars
The Hipparcos photometry of the Chemically Peculiar main sequence B, A,and F stars is examined for variability. Some non-magnetic CP stars,Mercury-Manganese and metallic-line stars, which according to canonicalwisdom should not be variable, may be variable and are identified forfurther study. Some potentially important magnetic CP stars are noted.Tables 1, 2, and 3 are available only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

An extensive Delta a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars
Photoelectric photometry of 803 southern BS objects in the Deltaa-system as detection tool for magnetic chemically peculiar (=CP2) starshas been carried out and compared to published spectral types. Thestatistical yield of such objects detected by both techniques ispractically the same. We show that there are several factors whichcontaminate the search for these stars, but this contamination is onlyof the order of 10% in both techniques. We find a smooth transition fromnormal to peculiar stars. Our sample exhibits the largest fraction ofCP2 stars at their bluest colour interval, i.e. 10% of all stars in thecolour range -0.19 <= B-V < -0.10 or -0.10 <= b-y < -0.05.No peculiar stars based on the Delta a-criterion were found at bluercolours. Towards the red side the fraction of CP2 stars drops to about3% for positive values of B-V or b-y with red limits roughlycorresponding to normal stars of spectral type A5. The photometricbehaviour of other peculiar stars: Am, HgMn, delta Del, lambda Boo, Heabnormal stars, as well as Be/shell stars and supergiants shows someslight, but definite deviations from normal stars. Spectroscopic andvisual binaries are not distinguished from normal stars in their Delta abehaviour. The results of this work justify larger statistical work(e.g. in open clusters) employing more time-saving photometric methods(CCD). \newpage Based on observations obtained at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile. This research has made use of the Simbaddatabase, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Table 2 is only availablein electronic form via anonymous ftp orhttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The observed periods of AP and BP stars
A catalogue of all the periods up to now proposed for the variations ofCP2, CP3, and CP4 stars is presented. The main identifiers (HD and HR),the proper name, the variable-star name, and the spectral type andpeculiarity are given for each star as far as the coordinates at 2000.0and the visual magnitude. The nature of the observed variations (light,spectrum, magnetic field, etc.) is presented in a codified way. Thecatalogue is arranged in three tables: the bulk of the data, i.e. thosereferring to CP2, CP3, and CP4 stars, are given in Table 1, while thedata concerning He-strong stars are given in Table 2 and those foreclipsing or ellipsoidal variables are collected in Table 3. Notes arealso provided at the end of each table, mainly about duplicities. Thecatalogue contains data on 364 CP stars and is updated to 1996, October31. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS,Strasbourg, France.

Do SI stars undergo any rotational braking?
The old question of rotational braking of Ap Si stars is revisited onthe empirical side, taking advantage of the recent Hipparcos results.Field stars with various evolutionary states are considered, and it isshown that the loose correlation between their rotational period andtheir surface gravity is entirely compatible with conservation ofangular momentum. No evidence is found for any loss of angular momentumon the Main Sequence, which confirms earlier results based on lessreliable estimates of surface gravity. The importance of reliable,fundamental T_eff determinations of Bp and Ap stars is emphasized. Basedon data from the ESA Hipparcos satellite

Photometric survey near the main Galactic meridian: 2.1. Finding charts and photoelectric U,B,V,R stellar magnitudes in 25 fields
Finding charts and photoelectric U,B,V,R magnitudes of stars in 25fields in the Main Galactic Meridian (programme MEGA) are presented.This part of the photometric survey includes fields near the NorthGalactic pole and fields at southern Galactic latitudes. Together withthe finding charts of 2.5(deg) x2.5(deg) the equatorial coordinates ofthe stars are given for epoch and equinox 1950.

A spectroscopic study of some silicon peculiar stars.
The abundances characterizing chemically peculiar (CP) stars modify theatmosphere structure with respect to normal stars of equal effectivetemperature and gravity. Being classical methods to infer the effectivetemperature and gravity of stars calibrated for and from solarcomposition stars, they cannot be used for CP stars. Thus, the effectivetemperature and gravity of a CP star have to be determinedsimultaneously with the anomalous abundances. We have obtainedtime-resolved high-resolution spectra in the 482-513 nm region of thesilicon stars HD 9484, HD 12767, HD 22920 and HD 171247. For each ofthem, we have adopted the effective temperature and gravity of theATLAS9 (Kurucz 1993, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 44, p.98) atmosphere modelwhich, matching the observed Hbeta_ line, has been computedwith a metal opacity scale consistent with the abundances. TheHbeta_ lines have been computed with SYNTHE (Kurucz &Avrett 1981, SAO Special Rep. 391) and the abundances with WIDTH9(Kurucz & Avrett 1981, SAO Special Rep. 391). The microturbulentvelocity has been inferred from the unblended iron lines. All unblendedlines have been used to determine the rotational and radial velocity.

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

Photometric Survey Near the Main Galactic Meridian - Part One - Photoelectric Stellar Magnitudes and Colours in the UBVR System
Not Available

A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II.
Not Available

Early type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. IV - Four-color and H-beta photometry
Results are presented from photometric obaservations in the Stromgrenuvby four-color and H-beta systems of early-type high-velocity stars inthe solar neighborhood. Several types of photometrically peculiar starsare selected on the basis of their Stromgren indices and areprovisionally identified as peculiar A stars, field horizontal-branchstars, metal-poor stars near the Population II and old-disk turnoffs,metal-poor blue stragglers, or metallic-line A stars. Numerousphotometrically normal stars were also found.

Differential Photoelectric Photometry of the delta Scuti Star AV Ceti
Not Available

First supplement to the catalog of observed periods of AP stars
Supplementary data on the periods of Ap stars with references arepresented; 58 new stars are introduced for which periodic variabilityhas been discovered since 1983. For some of these stars periodicity wasknown before 1983 but they were not reported in the previous catalog.Recently attributed variable star names are also reported.

The local system of early type stars - Spatial extent and kinematics
Published uvby and H-beta photometric data and proper motions arecompiled and analyzed to characterize the structure and kinematics ofthe bright early-type O-A0 stars in the solar vicinity, with a focus onthe Gould belt. The selection and calibration techniques are explained,and the data are presented in extensive tables and graphs and discussedin detail. The Gould belt stars of age less than 20 Myr are shown togive belt inclination 19 deg to the Galactic plane and node-lineorientation in the direction of Galactic rotation, while the symmetricaldistribution about the Galactic plane and kinematic properties (purecircular differential rotation) of the belt stars over 60 Myr oldresemble those of fainter nonbelt stars of all ages. The unresolveddiscrepancy between the expansion observed in the youngest nearby starsand the predictions of simple models of expansion from a point isattributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of interstellar matter.

New period determinations for variable CP stars
Periods, or improved determinations of periods, are presented for 29 CPstars observed at La Silla in 1977-1982. The PHOT2 program's algorithmmakes possible the bringing together of different observing runs,through an improved reduction of the data to a common standard system.It is noted that, in many instances, magnetic observations would berequired for the resolution of ambiguities, especially in the presenceof quasi-symmetric double waves.

Photoelectric H-beta photometry for A and F stars brighter than V = 14 M in four areas in directions towards the South Galactic Pole
Data from photoelectric H-beta observations of 145 mainly A and F starswith V = 14 mag or brighter in four regions totalling 60 sq deg andlocated near galactic latitude b(II) = -60 deg, obtained using atwo-channel H-beta photometer on the 1.5-m Danish reflecting telescopeat ESO on two nights in 1981 and four nights in 1982, are presented intables along with the Stromgren b magnitudes calculated from thewide-channel H-beta counts. These observations are undertaken in theframework of a uvby photometric search for A-F stars of Population IIbrighter than V = 15.5 mag. The mean error per observation is given as +or - 0.020 mag in b and + or - 0.009 mag in H-beta.

Nouvelle recherche de periodes d'etoiles Ap observees a ESO-VII
Not Available

Principal components analysis of spectral data. I - Methodology for spectral classification
Principal components analysis is applied to published narrow-bandphotometric data on 53 standard stars of spectral types A and F.Correlations within the data are displayed and the propagation of errorsis discussed. Techniques for improving the precision and the efficiencyof the classification are explored, including non-linear regression andtrimming and grouping of the original data. As an example, a set of 47observed variables is reduced to 3, with no loss of precision.

Scanner studies of composite spectra. II - Giants and dwarfs
A set of line and continuum indices is calibrated as a function ofspectral type, over the range late O-early G for giants, using lowresolution scanner observations in the 3500-4400 A region. Line orfeature indices are defined for H-gamma, G band, Ca I (4227 A), Ca II(K), H 3889, and the Balmer jump. The combination of the results withthose for standard-luminosity class IV-V stars allows the analysis ofcomposite-spectrum objects. The spectrum scans of 58 visual,spectroscopic and eclipsing pairs are compared with a grid of calculatedcomposites, and a computer program is used to generate giant-giant,giant-dwarf and dwarf-dwarf pairs of composites for comparison withobservations. A set of 11 dwarf stars treated in Beavers and Cook (1980)is reexamined using a version of the computer program which fixesDelta(m) for the synthesis procedure to agree with values found in theliterature.

The OB stellar associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974ApJS...28...73L&db_key=AST

Four-color and Hβ photometry for the brighter AO type stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972A&AS....5..109C&db_key=AST

Variability of A and F main sequence stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1971A&A....12..223J&db_key=AST

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Прямое восхождение:01h33m03.50s
Видимая звёздная величина:6.59
Расстояние:124.069 парсек
Собственное движение RA:24.3
Собственное движение Dec:5.2
B-T magnitude:6.54
V-T magnitude:6.587

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 9484
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5277-1174-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0750-00362844
BSC 1991HR 444

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